One Month Later: Reflections on Loss & Hope

Today, I found myself standing on the second floor of our home, peering through the burnt remains down into what used to be the kids’ bathroom, walls, and garage. All I could see was a pile of blackened rubble—charred pieces of wood, ash, and the twisted metal of what used to be the boys’ bike handlebars and tool chest. It felt surreal, like a moment suspended in time where reality still hasn’t fully sunk in.

Reflecting on the Pain of Others

As I looked at this heartbreaking scene, my thoughts turned to the thousands of people in Los Angeles who are experiencing unimaginable devastation. I cannot even begin to fathom the depth of their pain and loss—everything gone in an instant. I wondered: How do they bounce back? Where do they go? How do they find the strength to carry on? My heart aches for those families. The sense of loss they must be feeling is overwhelming.

In that moment, I realized that as difficult as my own situation is, it pales compared to what so many others are going through. My heart is heavy for my dear friends and their families in California who are coping with fires and destruction on a much larger scale.

Choosing Compassion Over Despair

I’ve come to understand that focusing on my own sorrow alone won’t help me heal or move forward. Instead, I’m choosing compassion—allowing myself to grieve for those who are experiencing even greater losses, while also acknowledging my own. It’s a balancing act between sorrow and gratitude, where empathy helps us see the bigger picture beyond our own lives.

Seeking Lessons in Hardship

When the enormity of it all threatens to pull me down, I step back and ask: What can I learn from this? This fire happened to me for a reason—perhaps to shape me into a kinder, stronger person. I believe that hardships can be our greatest teachers, guiding us toward becoming who we’re meant to be.

I pray for the day when I can look back on this season of my life with gratitude, thanking God for guiding me through. I don’t want to simply overcome this challenge; I want to emerge from it transformed, stronger in faith and more compassionate toward others.

Moving Forward With Hope

My hope is that, someday, I’ll be able to stand on the other side of this trial and see the person I’ve become—someone who has endured devastation yet grown in faith, understanding, and love. When I think of the countless families facing far more severe losses, I can’t help but feel humbled, recognizing how blessed I still am.

To everyone reading this who may be going through trials of your own—please know my heart goes out to you. You’re not alone. Let us lean on one another, and together, find the strength to rebuild and evolve. And in time, I hope we can all look back and say, Thank You, Lord, for guiding us through and refining us along the way.

With love and gratitude,


Rebuilding After the Fire: Our Journey of Gratitude & Miracles